Premium features for your Joomla site

Guaranteed 99.99% uptime

Servers are built with enterprise class hardware and on a premium network with the key structure being uptime.

Full SSH access granted

User ssh access is granted on all servers. Anything you cannot do as the user we will do for you.

Fully managed

We manage the server side of things so you can focus on your websites and business.

Premium Managed Joomla Hosting

Resellers welcomed! Host unlimited sites on your server.

Premium Joomla Features

Managed Joomla hosting plan

Joomla ready, deploy your new domain with fast Joomla installs! All requirements are met right out of the box; PHP 7.x with blazing fast opcache, MySQL 5.5 or 5.6, IonCube, Memcached and Apache mod streaming. NGINX web server for media streaming available upon request free of charge.

Premium Feature:
Malware scan

Scheduled Malware scans with optional notification alerts and automated quarantine actions. Repetative notifications aid in helping diagnose faulty theme or plugins. Added protection to prevent browsers and Google from blocking your Joomla site due to malware detection.

Premium Feature:
FREE Domain

Enjoy a free domain name for a year to help get your new site up and running. We have thousdands of free domain names to choose from. Pick from popular TLDs like .Net and .Com.

Premium Feature:
Optimized hosting

M3Server accelerates your site even further with php opcache and memcached service for database caching. Along with W3 Total Cache, M3 provides an optimized platform for your managed Joomla hosting plan. Optionally provided at no extra charge, enjoy Nginx http server for even greator perforamnce.

Fully Capable & Ready

Pre-Installed Software Packages

MySQL and PHP applications such as Joomla, Drupal and other popular PHP applications are ready to deploy.


The worlds most popular webserver software is part of our standard server deployment.


Nginx can be custom configured to greatly reduce the amount of connections the server has to process.

MySQL 5.6

Currently installing the latest version of MySQL 5.5 on our new performance builds. Special requests for MySQL 5.6.


For those of you that are used to MariaDB or looking to see possible improvements this can be installed by request.

PHP 7.x

We are always making sure that the latest tested versions of PHP are running to help clients keep up with times. PHP 7.+ is avavailble by request.

ZEND Opcache & Ioncube

Opcache has been proven to dramatically improve performance and reduce RAM waste.

Select the hosting plan that is right for your budget and server load. Don't be too concerned with bandwidth, we have never billed for a bandwidth overage in 19+ years. We only specify a value to prevent abuse.

High Performance Joomla Hosting Plans

What is a managed Joomla hosting?

Joomla is a highly customizable software application for your web site. Joomla is a free download. Since we are a provider of Joomla web hosting on virtual and dedicated servers, we can help you with your blog to get you up and running quickly. This means, faster start times for your Joomla blog or web site, better support, and faster page load times.

managed joomla server