Smart-Tube-Pro Server Requirements
M3Server has worked to make sure our systems meet all the server requirements for Smart-Tube-Pro Tube Script site. Below is a list of Smart-Tube-Pro server script requirements for your reference and ours.
System Requirements
- Linux/Unix like operating system (32/64bit)
- Apache/lighttpd/nginx webserver
- SSH command line access
- Ioncube loader
- Mysql database (5.1 or higher) with my.cnf settings:
- wait_timeout = 1800 (could be set higher when transcoding big videos)
- innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend:max:2000M filesize limit should be set high to avoid further problems with growing innodb database
- Imagemagick 6.4.1 or higher
- FFmpeg 1.x or higher with libx264, libfaac, libmp3lame
- Mencoder 1.0rc2-3.4.6 or higher with mp3lame (required only for video merge)
- Flvtool (optional)
- Qt-faststart (optional)
- Memcached running on port 11211 with 500MB - 1GB of memory assigned (recommended), autostart after reboot and automatic restart on crash
- PHP 5.3 or higher with:
- GD library version 2 or higher
- FreeType
- cURL
- Open SSL
- LibXML
- Posix
- Sessions
- Memcache (recommended)
- PHP.ini settings:
- PHP CLI (php with command line interface) using same php.ini as web
- Open Basedir restrictions disabled
- safe_mode = OFF
- output_buffering = OFF (recommended)
- display_errors = ON (recommended)
- memory_limit = 128MB (recommended)
- argv and argc command line arguments = ON
- magic_quotes_gpc = OFF
- short_open_tag = ON
- session.save_handler = memcache (recommended), session.save_path = "tcp://", session.use_cookies = ON
- file_uploads = ON
- upload_max_filesize = 500M (recommended)
- post_max_size = 500M (recommended)
- max_execution_time = 1800 (depends on upload_max_filesize)
- max_input_time = 1800 (depends on upload_max_filesize)
Smart-Tube-Pro Tube Script Resources
- M3Server Web Server Smart-Tube-Pro Hosting
- Official Smart-Tube-Pro Website
- Official Smart-Tube-Pro Demo
- Official Smart-Tube-Pro Refermces
- Official Smart-Tube-Pro Screenshots
- Smart-Tube-Pro Features
- Smart-Tube-Pro - Try it free